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Alliances of Alliances is Now United By Black Powered By All

[Minneapolis, September, 21, 2021]  In the wake of George Floyd’s murder by local police, members of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity(The Boulé) felt an urgent responsibility as Black men to raise their voices and use their privilege as executives to address the inequities brewing in Minneapolis.

Last Spring, the group challenged community, nonprofit, and business leaders to go beyond writing letters of concern to taking action. Acknowledging the diversity of Black Minnesotans, they reached out to the African American Leadership Forum (AALF) to ensure that any solutions would be centered on improving conditions and the environment for all of us. 

Although the working group quickly chose a name, the Alliance of Alliances, it was understood that it was merely a placeholder for something  better, which would hold greater meaning for all involved.

At AALF,  we’ve hired additional staff to build out our capacity to bring the idea of the Alliance of Alliances to life, and reached out to The Brand Lab, a local nonprofit that mentors talented high school and college marketing students. They worked with our stakeholders to seek out a name and logo that would aptly reflect this growing movement.

Several names didn’t quite work, but then we hit upon United By Black. That’s when we knew we were on the right track. United By Black, or UBB for short, reflects our commitment to systemic change that meets the needs of the Black community by leveraging AALF’s use of Black-Centered Design. That approach engages the Black community to drive the decision-making process and ensures  that this work is led by Black Minnesotans. 

The tagline, Powered By All, indicates that we’re inclusive of those who are aligned with our core values. Not only are these individuals, organizations, and businesses welcome, but they have a meaningful role to play.

Over the coming years of this decade-long endeavor, we’ll work together to define what success looks like.  As we move forward, we’ll continue to expand AALF’s network.

Stay tuned for more updates on how we’re moving forward with plans to engage Black Minnesotans, and those invested in this community, to understand the greater need as it relates to public safety, housing, education, employment, infrastructure, and healthcare.

We aim to get at the root of centuries-long disparities in an effort to heal the past and transform the trajectory of the future. We know this work will not be easy or fast. To make a difference, we need your input and your commitment. Together, we can raise our collective voices and improve the quality of life for Black Minnesotans. 

As positive change happens within this community, the transformation will radiate outward to everyone else. We have an opportunity to create meaningful and lasting change over the next decade. Let’s move forward together.

United By Black, Powered By All: UB, The Call to Take Action.   Following George Floyd’s murder, a united group of community, nonprofit and business leaders launched a movement that now will go far beyond writing letters of concern, and AALF was chosen to lead. Collectively we aim to get at the root of disparities, heal the past and transform the trajectory of the future. The United By Black, Powered By All initiative reflects our commitment to systemic change, by mapping strategy and creating impact. You’ll be hearing a lot about this moving forward. We plan to engage you, in taking action, to improve the quality of life for Black Minnesotans.

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