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Hello and thank you for visiting us here. We hope you stick around. The Forum is alive and well and wants you to join our movement, bringing together allies, individual leaders and institutions that are are passionate about manifesting racial equity through bold Black-Centered solutions. This website is part of our new brand identity, relaunched in 2023, embodying the organization’s renewed sense of purpose and intentionality, empowering Minnesota’s Black communities to imagine, then create an equitable future. Furthermore, our new look and feel represent a commitment to data research and design innovation in formulating the Black Agenda For Change, a platform of community-driven solutions designed to address the complex and vexing systemic challenges Black residents face statewide.

To propel this, our collective Forum needs you; change makers, activists, organizers, educators, organizations–LEADERS we should say, who align with our mission as we surge our work forward in six impact areas. Public Safety. Education. Economic Prosperity. Generational Wealth Building. Health. Environmental Justice. Do you believe? If so first ask yourself, “What do you have to offer?” Yourself, the brilliance, is all that’s needed, but perhaps it’s resources, treasure or even something else. The easiest way to get on board is to let us hear from you at In the subject line write, “I want to join The Forum.” With that, you’ll become part of our collective, receiving priority updates on events, design sessions, advocacy efforts, data dissemination, fellowships, surveys, job openings and other ways to join the movement. That simple email signs you up, joining thousands of other leaders in Minnesota and beyond–who identify as Big Thinkers, Influencers, Builders and Ambassadors–The Forum. 

You can become a Forum Donor, a Volunteer, a Torchbearer, a Subscriber, a Follower, a Partner or a Contributor.

Thank you for your support and in advance, Welcome Aboard!

The Women and Men at African American Leadership Forum